bring it on home
Ive finally landed back in the land of vegemite and crocs with a swag of stories and associated grey hairs so it must be awards time. In no particular order: #1 German: Frank Bremer, #1 Canadian: Sean Jordan, #1 Country: Hungary, Country with best roads: Germany, Country most likely to destroy travel budget: France, Country with the least internet cafe's: Slovakia, City with the shittiest locals: Prague, Country most likely to cause hypothermia: France, Area containing the most annoying homeless drunks within a square km: Croatia/Split/Ferry Terminal. Hopefully ill find the time and inclination to update the blog to include further details of o/s insanity, just dont hold your breath.
For those of you who demand more, and want some in depth no holds barred analysis of the inner workings of my squash where I tell it like it is, check out the great Budapest Zine Pestiside and their interview with yours truly at:
Final statistics; kms travelled: 6086+, total time moving: 124hrs, moving average: 49.0kh, maximum speed: 102kh, max kms travelled in one go without sleep (stupid): 1100+, snickers bars consumed: unknown, mars bars consumed: unknown.
Ive finally landed back in the land of vegemite and crocs with a swag of stories and associated grey hairs so it must be awards time. In no particular order: #1 German: Frank Bremer, #1 Canadian: Sean Jordan, #1 Country: Hungary, Country with best roads: Germany, Country most likely to destroy travel budget: France, Country with the least internet cafe's: Slovakia, City with the shittiest locals: Prague, Country most likely to cause hypothermia: France, Area containing the most annoying homeless drunks within a square km: Croatia/Split/Ferry Terminal. Hopefully ill find the time and inclination to update the blog to include further details of o/s insanity, just dont hold your breath.
For those of you who demand more, and want some in depth no holds barred analysis of the inner workings of my squash where I tell it like it is, check out the great Budapest Zine Pestiside and their interview with yours truly at:
Final statistics; kms travelled: 6086+, total time moving: 124hrs, moving average: 49.0kh, maximum speed: 102kh, max kms travelled in one go without sleep (stupid): 1100+, snickers bars consumed: unknown, mars bars consumed: unknown.

Whelp, so much for my single-day record of 700km. It was a 20-hour leg involving snow and ice and fog, and it ranks among the stupidest things I've ever done. Speaking of which, what compelled you to go 1100? A plane to catch or something? Jesus!
Oops, sorry Sean, im sure 700km's was hard.. ahem 8)
Well basically I had to get the scooter back to Kiel from France and I had three days, so I could either do the sensible thing and do 350kms / day or just keep riding and see what happens. Left from Pontilier in France near Lyon and almost got to Kiel in North Germany in about 32 hours. I did about 1100 and then 50km's from my destination I got a puncture.. on the autobahn.. in the rain.. in the dark. Long story, ill cover it in a blog entry when im ready to face those demons, ugh.
Haven't you found coming back to boring 9-5 life a bit depressing?
The 9-5 can be a bit boring, but life's what you make it, I would'nt say its depressing! Maybe it serves to gives some impetus to plan another bike trip? NZ or Japan next I think, and i've got lots of good stuff happenning, only boring people get bored!
Oh, and coming back to a really good job doesnt hurt either, oh anonymous one.
Here's a suggested itinerary for next time: Vespa-ize Che Guevara's South American trip a la "The Motorcycle Diaries".
Note: You may need to hire a sidekick to play the role of Alberto.
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